Early Birds Catch Worms

The problem

With jumping in

Feet first

Is that

Both parties

Are unrehearsed

Playing For Time

Calm your jets

Drink your tea

If love will wait

Then so can we

(Originally Posted 14.11.2020)

Ticking All The Boxes

It was right, I think, to call it a day

As were hardly

Love’s young dream

I mean you put in the graft

And it did make me laugh

But you’d never have made me scream

Dirty Minds

As you don’t seem

To get it

I’ll explain it again

Real quick

It wasn’t your love

I wanted

It was merely your…


(Originally Posted 01.11.2021)


If only I

Had seen more sense

And not fallen foul

Of my incompetence

Perhaps our relationship now

Wouldn’t be past tense

And I wouldn’t still feel

These splinters from the fence

Just Passing By

It was you

That was

The one

For me

But a future

Between us

I just

Couldn’t see

I suppose

That now

None of that


For you’ve

Moved on

While I’m left

In tatters

(Originally Posted 13.10.2020)


It left you so exhausted

Wrestling to decide

Now you know

What it’s like

Living inside my mind

Putting It Bluntly

I’ll say

I felt better

In the end

But the honest truth

Is that

The only reason

I didn’t jump

That day

Is there’d be no one

To feed my cat

Pros & Cons

it is you
from me

I just
have it
to give

As I’m
all of my

to live

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