“Feeling Good As Hell”

You may think

That I’m left whimpering

But I can promise you

I am not

For I no longer need suffer

Your simpering

Which was worth

Every inch we fought

The High Road

You can just

Fuck off now

As I

Have had enough

I no longer

Give a shit

About all this

Selfish stuff

But you should know

Just one thing

And yes,

I will be blunt

Maybe I wasn’t

Always right

But you

Were always a cunt

(Originally Posted 14.12.2020)

The End Of The Line

It’s not that I’m leaving forever

I promise I’ll still be around

But the desire to fight

Let alone to write

Is proving too thin on the ground

Waking Thoughts

And so to yet

Another day


The urge to cry

In a body

That is fighting

Hard to survive

But with a mind

That wants to die


I’m not proud of what I did

Nor am I happy with what I said

But if you had been kinder

And not some whiny fault finder

Then your eyes needn’t have bled

Pulling No Punches

You come for me again

My friend

And events will turn apace

Your head will spin

As that shit eating grin

Is wiped right off your face

The Dream Catcher

Bad thoughts creep

As I’m without sleep

For yet another night

Fears won’t keep

Whilst I lie and weep

Losing the will to fight

Every Day

Still hoping,
Still waiting,
Still holding,
Still wanting.

Still thinking,
Still grieving,
Still trying,
Still giving.

Still caring,
Still feeling,
Still crying,
Still fighting.

Still breathing,
Still living,
Still believing,
Still loving.

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