Lying In Wait

The rope

Is in

The bin

For now

Having given

That monster

A swerve

But it’s safe

To assume

I can’t give him

Any room

As he’ll have

Kept some back

In reserve

Try Harder Next Time

The monster who lives

Under my bed

Whispers again

Why aren’t you dead

Berating me

For writing instead

And putting the rope

Back in the shed

(Originally Posted 24.02.2021)

The Flip Side

If it’s not monsters

It’s mermaids

As that’s how it is manic depression

Life is laborious

Or it’s glorious

With very little in the way of progression


They are always there,
Gnawing away at my brain.

One day I will kill them,
And I shall smile again.

(Originally Posted 14.05.2019)

Random #178

‘When I was a child I truly loved: Unthinking love as calm and deep as the North Sea. But I have lived. And now I do not sleep.’

– John Gardner

Try Harder Next Time

The monster who lives

Under my bed

Whispers again

Why aren’t you dead

Berating me

For writing instead

When all the time

That rope’s still in the shed


They are always there,
Gnawing away at my brain.

One day I will kill them,
And I shall smile again.

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