Crossroads (Part 1)

way do
we go
from here


Left or

should go


the least

18 thoughts on “Crossroads (Part 1)

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      1. I’m not I could trust another to give the right answer….so, I’ll have nothing to ask. I sigh for how sweet and innocent it sounds…free of drama that lives… from the constant onslaught of thought…….{hugs} my flowic friend

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Makes me think of me and my husband haha.

    Me: Hey what sounds better pizza or burgers?
    Him: Either one is fine with me…pick whatever you want
    Me: Sir I asked you for a reason
    Him:………..Either one is fine with me, pick whatever you want
    Me: Bruh! Not helping at all.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I did recently learn, that some people really don’t care what they’re eatingā€“ā€“ only that they’re eating! A long-time friend told me that he just has no preference, and could happily eat the same thing over and over again for example. I find it astonishing! He’s at one end of the spectrum and I the other, for novelty-seeking.

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      1. I don’t think I have the patience to eat the same think because I want to enjoy other cultures as well and I think the best way to do that is through food. Plus switching it up never hurts. My husband however is like your friend he’s good as long as it tastes good and he is fed.

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        1. Yep, totally agree! :). It actually lowers my mood to eat the same thing 3 times in a row, instead of boosting it a lot as eating usually would!

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        1. Haha. Well, it’s hard to separate depression-lethargy from laziness, as the common thing between them is lack of motivation. Or maybe an ADHD-type ‘lack of urgency’ thing, since it’s stupidly easy to survive with almost no effort, haha.

          Do you find it really rewarding when you do cook something new and nice?

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            1. Yeah that’s a shame. Maybe if you practiced more, and tried to really get into it and could enjoy it, it could be a good thing? I shouldn’t try to generalise though, but for me it really gives me a good feeling to sit down to eat something nice that I made, and I keep that buzz for a while, especially as I make 3/4 portions in one go. Even the physical exertion of it can feel significant after all the moving around, and standing in the heat!

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            2. I could recommend some soup recipes. They are an easy way to make healthy, satisfying food, and an easy way to eat vegetables :).

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