Christmas Kudos

I’m neither little

Nor quite charming

In fact my words

Can be most alarming

But the friends I’ve made

In different ways

All serve to brighten

My darkest days

So thanks to you all

For reading my shit

It warms this dark heart

Just a little bit

26 thoughts on “Christmas Kudos

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      1. A morning of phone calls to the odd friend and siblings and an afternoon of zooming my daughters watching grandkids opening presents we managed to deliver on Christmas Eve – they didn’t buy they arrived via the chimney! Now a quiet evening, a glass of red and chocolate – no doubt headache in the morning! Dear God, the tv is really crap this year!

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  1. Awww aren’t you being sugar and spice and all things nice (well for the moment 😁). Wishing you a somewhat less gloomy Holiday my dear. 😅much 💙. Oooppps 🖤🎄🙏🏼🤗🥂🎶

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