The End Of The Line

It’s not that I’m leaving forever

I promise I’ll still be around

But the desire to fight

Let alone to write

Is proving too thin on the ground

35 thoughts on “The End Of The Line

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    1. Haha, perhaps! 😁

      Yes, I have had similar reflections in the run up to each WP anniversary (this coming Tuesday marks the start of my fourth year here).

      My plan moving forward is to post a mix of old and new and try to ease the burden of daily writing/posting.

      After circa 2,500 original pieces the well is running dry…👍🖤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gotcha…or you coud try to write from a positive perspective or write more stories as opposed to poetry…idk….you gotta do what ya gotta do. And if you fold, well at least I know you are both an email and a old fashioned letter away 🖤🖤🖤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh, I’ll always be contactable my friend 😁

          Yeah, I’m intrigued to see where this next phase leads myself. No firm plans other than I may not be posting daily or, if I do, it may be an older piece.

          It’s interesting you mention a positive perspective. One of the ideas I was toying with was picking an older post and writing a response to it from my perspective now – although whether that leads to any positivity remains to be seen I guess 😉🖤

          Liked by 3 people

      2. After my 3 year mark, I post less now. My situation is also that my life is at peace more, my emotion is less up and down, less love drama, so less writing material in that matter. There are still so much to write about in particular the world’s condition. But I am cautious of writing things that are too much political flavour.

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  1. I started blogging in 2013. There are days the well seems dry. Sometimes you just need to prime the pump. Repost when you feel the urge or need. I often find when OI do, I improve it or find a different angle. Like you, I sometimes write short pieces. I’ve taken several and worked them into another, longer poet form. I found trenta-sei.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it certainly feels that way sometimes. Saying that I have enjoyed revisiting some of my old pieces this month and providing an update on them. It’s been quote therapeutic and inspirational too so I may well continue in the same vein for a while 👍🖤


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