Library Books

I read,
read it


I know

So I
set my
to self

21 thoughts on “Library Books

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  1. When I think someone is in despair, or approaching despair, I like to throw out a lifeline. It sounds like you are going through some really difficult stuff. Can you get through it? Is there someone close to you who can help you to get through it? If you feel comfortable about replying to this and saying what is getting you down, I’m happy to listen. I’m 55 and a mother, so I have a lot of life experience and I know that sometimes all that a person needs is a listening ear. So if you can’t find anyone right now to listen to you, drop me a line if you want.

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    1. You are very sweet to be concerned and to offer your help. But, honestly, there is no need to worry about me.

      Indeed, this past year or so has been the most difficult of my life – and that’s not to say it was easy before then.

      However, I’m managing to get through it day by day – just.

      I was encouraged by a close friend to pick up a pen and start writing again some time ago and, I have to say, it has been lifesaving.

      Not only in the sense of being able to get my more darker thoughts out on paper, but also because it has bought me into the path of others here who are creative, kind and who care – such as yourself.

      I should say that although almost all my poems are written from personal experiences, they are not all posted in real time.

      Sometimes there were written a few days before posting, sometimes weeks. So really, there is no need to worry.

      But thank you so much for your kind concern and for reading the ramblings of my fragile mind.

      It means a lot to me šŸ–¤

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  2. Thank you so much for letting me know that although your life isn’t easy, and hasn’t been for a while, you are doing okay and coping day by day. Two decades ago, I was in a very similar situation so I really do understand. Sometimes life is really, really tough. But since then everything has improved dramatically, and I hope that the same happens for you. Thank you so much for sharing. I shall enjoy your poetry all the more for knowing this. EmberšŸ˜ƒšŸ’š

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    1. Although I wouldn’t wish this pain on anyone, it is a comfort to know that others have been through similar and managed to navigate a way through it.

      I only hope the same for myself.

      I hope you enjoy reading my poems – but I’m not sure I can promise much! šŸ˜‰

      Thanks again for your kindness

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      1. It’s a pleasure. I know so many people who have been through a really dark patch and come out of it feeling stronger and happier, including me. It doesn’t happen overnight and the healing can take a long time, but everything will slowly get better. So never despair and, if you can, surround yourself with caring people who want to help you through. But I remember the way it felt to wake up in the morning and think, oh no, yet another day to get through. I remember it well, but I haven’t felt that way for years, so that horrible feeling really can disappear. I hope that, gradually, bit by bit, you begin to really engage with life again because, actually, life can be very enjoyable and simple pleasures make me really happy. I hope this helps. Lovely to hear from you again and I am genuinely looking forward to reading more of your poetry. šŸ’ššŸŒø

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  3. Always a pleasure and thank you. I’ll look forward to seeing more of you on my blog. You might really like one of my early posts, Gratitude. Also, I hope it’s okay to say hello to Robin and say thank you.

    Life: we are all here to help each other through it, whatever it is. (Kurt Vonnegut)

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