I’d Only Stand in the Kitchen Anyway…

For the third night in a row there are people having a party, somewhere, along my street.

I can hear them talking and laughing in their garden.

I can smell their cigarette smoke through my open window.

I can hear the rattle of beer bottles as they are thrown into the recycle bin.

Music blares away until the early hours.

I’m so jealous sitting here, miserable and alone, night after night.

I mean, I can be fun too you know.

Well, kind of.

15 thoughts on “I’d Only Stand in the Kitchen Anyway…

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          1. You will be surprised how your work effects the people out there. There are people who do enjoy reading your creative work.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. And I’ve found so many others – such as your kind self – out there too whose creativity is both enjoyable and inspiring! Thank goodness for internet publishing! 😁🖤


              1. Aww sweet you turned it back on me. Yeah I am far from perfect. I do enjoy blogging and reading others work. Yeah I guess we have to thank the internet for helping us to share different points of view to the world and all that under our fingertips. Glad we are in 21th century

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