
I doubt
I’ll get

I know

17 thoughts on “Unresponsive

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  1. Yes yes we all know that you’re talking about Father Christmas at this point, I don’t need to keep making that joke šŸ˜„.

    šŸ‘šŸ‘ well done Robin, good joke ha ha.

    No but really, is this a real thought about a family member/friend?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! šŸ˜Š
      Sadly no, not Father Christmas this time…

      This one is a real thought about a friend who is going through a particularly tough time at the moment.

      They are, with very good reason, finding it difficult to keep in touch recently so I find myself thinking and worrying about them a lot.

      It’s just rubbish when you know others are struggling and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to make it easier for them šŸ–¤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhhh, yeah, I’m familiar with both sides of that.

        One of my longest friends, who only lives 40 miles from me now (since I moved to where I am!) is now completely out of touch, and is having problems. They’ve always been very closed about themself, so will never talk about that sort of thing, or even consider looking into things that will help. But they don’t even want to hang out at all now, and won’t reply to my whatsapp messages. They said that hanging out would only make them feel worse, because for them it’s draining to socialise, even with friends! Impossible to relate! For me, it’s the one thing guaranteed to help me feel better, and the problem is the other way around.

        I feel for you with your friend. I’ve always got space to think about other people too. I hope they are able to improve and communicate. You’re a good person! šŸ¤—šŸ’™

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        1. Aw, I hope your friend manages to reestablish contact. You’re right – socialising and letting off steam definitely helps.

          I’m certainly hoping to catch up with my pal soon enough too šŸ–¤

          Liked by 1 person

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