‘Bought On Stolen Wine…’

All of

Sat in

of us

in gloom

13 thoughts on “‘Bought On Stolen Wine…’

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      1. Hahaha ! I spent a year trying to be a goth šŸ˜¬. Only cos my friends were. And it only amounted to baggy jeans and black band hoodies, to go with my skateboard

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          1. šŸ˜†. Well they SAID it was gothā€¦ oh wait! No I knew I got this wrong. ‘Greebo’ is what they called it lol. I’ve never heard that term since.

            A greebo is a person who listens to rock/punk/metal music and doesn’t follow fashion trends.
            They don’t usually class themselves as being a greebo but are assigned that title by trendies/rudes. Some of them may look quite threatening but generally they are all around nice people and they resist starting fights or arguments with people who do follow trends.”

            I’m more of a greebo now than I was then, then lol.

            šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø. Let’s just forget the whole thing!

            Liked by 1 person

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