Mix Tapes

You could just say how you feel

He said

Instead of sending me a song

But these folks are professionals

She said

And I’d only get it wrong

16 thoughts on “Mix Tapes

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  1. I relate to the sentiment in that last line so much! But then, something always resonates with me when I read your writing. I also like the fact that you are able to keep your writing so succinct. I’m far too wordy, as evidenced by this overly wordy comment. Lol

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Not at all my friend.
      I’m honoured to receive any comment from you – short or long! 😁

      I’m so pleased you find my ramblings resonate with you – that’s so nice to see.

      I’m heartened to think anything thinks my words worth reading, let alone anything else! 🖤🖤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha yes!!
        Well at lest I did back in the day… Haven’t had the need to make one for a while 😢

        But yes, I loved making them. Each song (happy/sad/romantic/angry etc) all carefully chosen specifically for the other person to listen to.

        Ah…to be that romantic again lol


    1. Oh I’ve made many a mix tape in my time – and recieved them too! 😊
      There was something magical about them back in the day.

      Guess it would be exchanging links to a Spotify playlist nowadays. Although I’m not sure that would have quite the same level of romance… 🤔😉🖤


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