Honesty At Year Three

So today marks the beginning

Of WordPress year three

Happy two year anniversary to me

Quite a lot has changed

Since that first post

Not least the number of people

Seemingly engrossed

In reading my innermost thoughts and feelings

Which I admit even now

I have a hard time believing

For there are far more talented writers here than me

Whose focus isn’t madness, sadness or profanity

Yet as I’ve looked back over posts of the past

I see my words gradually getting lighter

Perhaps this is due, in part,

To my life being that little bit brighter

So, I hear you ask, will my future posts just become asinine?

Well, I suppose, your guess is as good as mine

But one things for sure

You’ll still find me here beneath the armour

Writing, posting and chatting

As your ever grateful Little Charmer

57 thoughts on “Honesty At Year Three

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  1. What a great poem. I’ve only been following you for around six months, but there has been a definite lightening of the tone without diluting the power of your pen. Many of us find that writing is therapeutic, and you should keep up the good work!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. My experience on WordPress over the last seven months is that there are an amazing mount of “bots” or something – accounts that don’t seem real even. To come across someone so clearly real, so full of real heart and sometimes grim reality and yet someone so much stronger than they think – you have a huge appeal Little Charmer and there is no doubt in my mind why so many would want to read your work…xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aw, thank you so much my friend! That’s such a lovely reply which really does mean a lot to me! 👍

      And thank you for sticking with me too these last few months – our themes and styles may be very different but I guess what bonds us is writing about affairs of the heart. Here’s to much more from us both 👍👍🖤🖤


    1. Thank you so much my friend. Your words (both comments and rebuttals) always mean a lot to me.

      Our beliefs do indeed differ – but your kindness, encouragement and calming presence are always welcomed.

      Thank you so much for sticking with me and engaging as you do. Here’s to more in the future 👍🖤🖤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Readers response to the writer’s heart, not much about the writing skill I think. Congratulations on another milestone. I observe it has not been lack of struggle, heartache, but in all, a triump in self expression.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much my friend.
      Your words to mean a lot.

      And thank you so much for sticking with me all these years! I know I haven’t exactly made it easy at times but your consistent presence around here really does mean so much 👍👍🖤🖤


  4. And my favourite colour is green. I usually use green heart in the comment. But mostly I used brown hearts in commenting your post as I felt it would be ok to use a shade lighter to black to instill hope. And I did use green hearts in a small number of comments on your posts as those were your brighter posts. I thought I just shared this. 💚

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cheers Mr Mouse!! 😁
      You’re too kind to me as always!

      And thank you so much for sticking with me all this time. Your twisty takes on my words have bought a (much needed) smile to my face over the years. And, of course, the banter back and forth continues to be a joy. It really, truly, has helped me through some dark days – even from afar – so I’ll forever be grateful for that.

      Anyway. Enough of the slush. Hope you’ve got an equally dazzling piece coming for your own upcoming milestone. Shall look forward to it 👍👍🖤🖤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I think I’m the precise amount of kind 😉💚

        I should thank you as well. There have been times where I’ve considered quiting. If it wasn’t for your constant support I probably wouldn’t be here. WordPress I mean 😂

        My milestone has come and gone. The anniversary of my first post is around here somewhere. I have special post for the achievement. Maybe 1000 posts, that’s about a month away.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Well, I for one am glad you’ve stuck in with it. And look at you now! 😁
          Twisty tales, obscure forms and crown theft in the daily! 😉

          Ah – I think I was getting mixed up with when you started in WP and when we began following each other. Sure I will have caught your anniversary post. And I look forward to your 1000th post too – that’s definitely a milestone worth celebrating! 👍🖤

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Thanks. I keep mixing it up out of boredom. Not sure how long this incarnation will last before I twist again.
            I just counted. I’ve already scheduled my 1000 post. Maybe I’ll add a footnote.
            How close to 2000 are you?

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Well the boredom is sure working wonders for your creativity! 👍

              Glad to see you’ll soon hit 1000 – definitely worth a footnote.

              Think I’m at just over 1,700 looking from the stats. Not sure how reposting the old ones has affected that though – perhaps they may have been counted twice. Plus there are about fifty or so ‘random’ posts which are just blatant theft of song lyrics/quotes etc.

              Still, not a bad haul all in. I’m thinking as the depression lifts so may the frequency (and ferocity) of posts may decrease – guess we’ll see 🤔🖤

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I think if you repost it’s just one post but I’m not certain.
                Okay I think I can write 35 in the time you write 300. No, that is not a challenge 😉

                You must be on a hot streak, 500, 600 days in a row? 💚

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Haha!! I’m glad that’s not a challenge! You’d beat me in quality over quantity any day! 👍

                  Yeah, think I’ve posted at least once every day since 1st March 2019. Not sure how much longer I’ll be able to keep that up… 🤔🖤

                  Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah – I reckon if I discount the song lyrics and other random quotes I’ve nicked here and there I think it’s just over 1,700 posts.
      Amazing what a lifetime of trauma can do for the stats! 😉

      Not sure any of them are quite brilliant, but folks seem to like them so that’s something I guess.

      First and foremost though I write because I need to and not necessarily to be read. I know I’m not alone it that 👍🖤

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you!
      That’s very kind of you to say! 😁

      And, as a long term reader of my ramblings, thanks for sticking around all this time too. I know I don’t make it easy but it really does mean a lot 👍 🖤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this so much. I am totally engrossed and I love it too. It’s real, it’s emotional, it’s relatable, it reminds me that I am not alone, and it’s not about the talent (though you are) it about how the emotions come pouring out in every word. It’s about how you keep me hanging on touching parts of me that don’t typically get reached. The job of a writer, whether it is the intent or not, is to make the reader feel and you, my dear friend, do exactly that. You have got a lifer out of me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, that’s ace! Thank you so much!
      Your kind words really do mean a lot to me.

      I know my content and style is a little too much for some, but I’m always appreciative when folks just get it. It feels then that they get me in a way. And validation is everything.

      I only hope any future posts don’t dissapoint! 👍🖤🖤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Two years, 1700ish poems, and tons of feelings and entertainment. I’m happy to hear it has helped you. I hope it continues to so I and your many, many fans can enjoy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you my friend!
      Your words are very kind.

      And thank you so much for sticking with me all this time too 👍
      You’ve been somewhat of a stalwart round these parts and I am most grateful for that 😁🖤

      Liked by 1 person

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