In The Gutter Looking Up

Under a

I lie here,
and want
to die

25 thoughts on “In The Gutter Looking Up

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    1. It could well be that I’ve plagiarised three or four other pieces somewhere along the line šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‰

      The title itself is a rip off (or riff on depending on how kind you feel like being) on the famous Oscar Wilde quote:

      ‘We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars’.



      1. The title I got, but the lines alluded me.

        I’ve noticed you have been doing a bit of quoting recently. it’s a fun exercise trying to figure them out
        Any particular reason for the quotes? šŸ’š

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        1. There’s a bit of New Year’s Day (U2), Crush With Eyeliner (REM) and All I Ever Wanted (Shinedown) somewhere in there! šŸ˜‰

          Yeah, I’ve always posted lyrics and quotes (or ‘Randoms’ as I call them), but it has become a more of a regular thing of late.

          The quotes are usually from things I’ve seen or read recently and have struck a chord. They are always cited so folks know they are not my words.

          The lyrics are a bit different. They are posted on a Friday and are usually songs I’m listening to as I have a few beers to wind down after the working week. I don’t cite them – I just tag the song/artist instead. In my mind they are like little easter eggs for folks to investigate and potentially find themselves if that particular lyric speaks to them in the same way it does me.

          Fun for all the family lol šŸ˜‰šŸ–¤

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          1. Probably why I got so confused. That’s quite the mash up.

            I didn’t realise all the randoms were quoted šŸ¤£ I thought some wee your random thoughts.

            I like that. I guess a lot of us have that moment of inspiration, though few probably think of collecting it.

            A charming little game of discovery! That is a brilliant idea! Also gives people an invite into your current state of mind šŸ˜‰šŸ’š

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